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    Lough Fee, Culfin Fishery, Connemara


    Open for 2025

    • Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
    • Sea trout: 1 June to 30 September
    • Brown Trout: 15 February to 12 October


    This fishery is situated 6 miles west of Leenane and is comprised of the Culfin River, Lough Muck and Lough Fee. Access to the fishery is easy as the Leenane-Tully Cross Road runs along the shore of the lakes and close to the river in several places. Fly fishing is most successful, but spinning with barbless hooks is also allowed. Bait fishing is not permitted.


    Lake with sheep grazing in foreground and mountains in background
    Lough Fee, Culfin Fishery

    The fishing is privately owned by the Ormsby Family and Kylemore Abbey and permits are available.


    The fishery is not known for spring salmon, and grilse start to run the river in June, with the run peaking in July. The grilse average 3-5lbs. Bank fishing from the shore of Lough Muck and Lough Fee can produce grilse and brown trout on small flies.

    Lake with mountain surroundings
    Lough Muck

    Sea Trout

    The fishery gets a small run of sea trout, although they are not as plentiful as in former times. The lakes have a good stock of small wild brown trout, with some fish to over 1lb. Current legislation requires that all sea trout are released alive.


    • Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
    • Sea trout: 1 June to 30 September
    • Brown Trout: 15 February to 12 October
    River flowing out from lake in mountain scenery
    Lough Fee Outflow


    Bowen Ormsby, Salruck, Renvyle, Co Galway
    Tel: +353 (0) 95 43997
    Email: [email protected]
    Web: www.culfin.com


    The Lady Abbess, Kylemore Abbey, Connemara, Co. Galway
    Tel: +353 (0)95 41146