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Tag: perch


Triple shot of Pike, Perch & Trout for Senan Stanley on L. Derg. But...

Senan Stanley is a prolific YouTuber and he has a host of angling videos on his channel, where he tries numerous venues and tests...
perch, Barrow

Pursuing perch and memories on the Barrow

Dan O'Neill reports on a trip to the River Barrow in search of perch at the weekend... Taking a look at the weather forecast I...

Lures doing the trick for Guided Predator Angling

Simon of Guided Predator Angling reports... There is a change in the tides! All the Hughes brothers out again for their monthly outing! First full days on...

Perch League 2023 – in search of Inny perch

The Romanian C&R Angling Association kicked off their Perch League 2023 this Sunday gone and twenty four eager perch anglers signed up to take...

Perch lead to pike for Barrow lure anglers

Dan O’Neill, fly casting instructor and angling guide reports on a pike session on River Barrow… Ended up doing a rushed unplanned lure fishing trip...
Barrow perch on a fly

Perched on the Barrow waiting for trout season to begin

Dan O'Neill, fly casting instructor and angling guide report on his latest perch session on River Barrow... At last, we are coming to the end...

Barrow Perch Bonanza

The Barrow Perch Bonanza Competition took place in Sunday February 5th from 9am to 3pm at a location somewhere along the Barrow. The event was...

Perch and pike for Mick in the midlands

Mick 'the fish' Flanagan has been testing his home waters in the Mullingar area this January. This week, Mick spent a few hours hunting...

Pike & perch a plenty for Minnesota anglers visiting Clare

Damien Culliney from Anglers Paradise had a couple of friends fishing with him in Clare last week as part of a hunting trip to...

Young angler defies nasty weather to land a fine brace of perch

Young angler Luke MacGabhann made light of some tough angling conditions to land his first-ever perch last week. Fishing on Templehouse Lake in Co....