David Tantrum reports to us from Co. Waterford:
Carrigavantry and Knockaderry fisheries have been recently stocked with 2 to 3 lbs. Triploid brown trout brown trout from Roscrea IFI Fishery. These live till 7 yrs. old and should ensure good sport for the future.A fresh stocking will liven up the residents who had become difficult to catch The dog days are a difficult period for fishing due to hot sultry weather,this year should be an exception! Trout are still taking the hatching damsel nymphs.But watch out in the reed beds were they will ambush the adults resting on the stems.When the weather allows, there is a good evening rise starting around 8 P.m. Gulpers are fish sucking in black smut or caenis,exciting but difficult times.you realise how many trout are in the lake .Day time fishing is now best with a dry fly Claret hopper or klinkhammer should do the business This weather has extended the day time fishing, so take advantage and remember to limit your catch,not catch your limit. Tight lines,
David Tantrum,
Waterford City & County Trout Anglers Association
Phone: 051-384428
Article from the Western People……
Fisheries officers John Kilcovne and Barry Kelly releasing fish into the Carrowbeg River on the Mall, Westport. Both the river and Moher lake were restocked with brown trout by the inland fisheries hatchery Roscrea at the weekend. Picture: Frank Dolan