The Ballybay Angling Association fished their most recent knock-up match in glorious weather once again. Sunday saw 13 anglers fish the competition held on Bairds Shore. With fish spawning, the fishing was hard and weather conditions did nothing to help matters. The lake was flat calm and one angler took a dip mid match just to cool himself down!

On a side note well done to club members Finnian Feeney and Andy Chapman on their sponsorship with Bolands Groundbait.
Results are as follows:
- 1st Liam O’Brien Boland Ireland 2lbs 13ozs
- 2nd Noel Kellet 1lb 14ozs
- 3rd Dave Worsnup 1lb 5ozs.
Section wins went to Neil Mazurek & Rory O’Neil.
Well done to all who fished.

Club championship postponed
Due to fish spawning, the club championship match scheduled for next week (5th June) has been postponed until fishing has picked up.
Ballybay 2 Day Festival, 9 -10 July
The Ballybay 2 Day Festival sponsored by IFI will be fished from 9th & 10th July.

The draw for both the Ballybay 2 Day Match on the 9th & 10th July and the Ballybay 5 Day Classic 11th – 15th July will be held at the Riverdale Hotel. A number of rooms are also available for anyone wishing to stay over for either of these events.
A secure shed is available to store your fishing bait & tackle.
To contact the hotel or for details on booking a room see the Riverdale Hotel Facebook page.
Report courtesy of Ballybay Angling Association