The Irish Ladies Fly-Fishing Association report:
We had a great day out on Lough Lene last Sunday. 15 women from all ends of Ireland were up bright and early to take on the lively brownies and rainbows in Lough Lene, Maddy caught a nice pike too – although she wouldn’t touch it!, Many thanks to Tommy Fagan, and to all the boatmen, including the Dundalk guys, and to the committee members who worked so hard to ensure everything went smoothly on the day. We were able to catch up and warm up later in Hotel Castlepollard. Top angler on the day was Linda Straghan with 11 fish and top boatman Fred OHagan who boated 15 fish. All 55 fish caught were safely return to the beauty of Lough Lene.
Go fishing…
For more information on these events or to join the ILFA please visit or ring Julie Gerry (ROI) 087 2055094 or Pauline McClenaghan (NI) 07841 573089