Dan O’Neill reports from the Nore…
25 April: With water temperatures getting a little higher during the day and fish are becoming more active. The Nore is always a little slower to drop I find and at the moment the Nore is at .47 and steadily decreasing.
I was on the river at 9am, not an early start by any means. Trying dry dropper along the seams of the runs and creases created by boulders and such, I had a lot of small trout on the trusty olive nymph with a little flash under the Coq de Leon tail (nymph profile can be seen in previous report ).

I expected the smaller fish to be up a bit in the water so I had tied up some lead bodied 4mm tungsten peeping caddis go get down to their big brothers. There are three runs in Mount Juliet which year after year produce some of the biggest trout on the stretch. Switching to my euro nymph set up I was on my way to my first stop. Nymphing slowing up to the head of the pool little rattles came here and there of greedy little trout or most probably little smolts. As I got near the middle of the run I got an unmistakable thump , the rod turned over with the tip pointing straight to where the take occurred. There was an exciting gold flash as the trout was reluctantly taken from his lie and a nice battle saw the fish to the net. It was a trout of about 25 maybe 30cm. Not the trout I was looking for but a start. Also proof that my time at the vice last night was not a waste.
I picked up where I left off in the run and had one or two more of similar size. The flats above me showed some nice trout sipping, with the odd one jumping for joy showing off its beautiful colours.

Bumping into a fellow angler resulted in me cutting the fishing session short while we discussed old patterns etc , which I always listen to and end up trying. Being inquisitive is a trait in an angler that will only ever improve his skill and knowledge…
For information on day tickets or memberships please call me on 0857652751 or email [email protected]
Dan O’Neill
Mount Juliet Estate.
Go fishing…
Mount Juliet House is set on a large estate, which offers private fishing on 2.5 miles of the middle to lower reaches of the River Nore. Mount Juliet Estate offers fishing of the highest quality, just a short stroll away from the Manor House. There is a fishing room on site in the Manor House for your convenience i.e. for storage and drying of fishing equipment. Mount Juliet Estate can also provide the necessary equipment on site if needed.