Angling guide Tomi Kurman specialises in fishing for big pike, and the impressive ferox trout of Lough Corrib. After taking a sporting break from the ferox during the hot weather, he was back at it over the last week or so. He reached a huge milestone on Sunday morning, with the 100th ferox trout of the season coming aboard! Paul Byrne was the lucky angler to benefit from Tomi’s expert guidance on this occasion.


A fine ferox trout to mark the century – no. 100 to the boat this year!

Ferox fishing has picked up again, with several more fish to the boat this week, and the count now at 106 or possibly more. Fish up to 82cm have been landed, the biggest weighing 15lbs 7oz. All fish released again of course, and this week catch-and-release was again vindicated when one of Tomi’s guests caught a pug-nosed ferox that was caught twice in two days earlier in the season – 15 miles away!


Another one bites the dust!


Lovely markings on this trout


Yet another happy angler

Pike fishing has also been good, with fish up to 107cm (~21lbs) caught, and plenty of high doubles among them.

Robert Byrne was happy with this pike, enjoying a great day out with his two sons,

Go Fishing

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