Danny Lambert from Lancaster, England, sent in this report of his recent trip to the Moy:
We have just returned home from a family holiday. We visited the west coast of Ireland and stayed in Enniscrone, a beautiful beach town on the Wild Atlantic Way. Whilst there, we headed for the town of Ballina to fish in County Mayo on the river Moy. The town is a world-famous hot spot for salmon anglers.
We went to the shop called the Angling Centre in Ballina and met Robbie, and his advice was brilliant. He kindly arranged for my son Frank Lambert who is 8 years old, to obtain his juvenile fishing licence and permit to fish on the river Moy. Frank also joined the Ballina salmon anglers association as he met Peter in the shop who runs the club. Peter issues all permits and was only happy to advise and show us local hot spots for fishing. This local club are doing excellent work for their community in promoting youngsters to get into the sport of fishing.
Robbie kindly offered to show us the ropes in his spare time after work on the banks of the Moy and met us on the evening of 27th July, and he kindly brought a life jacket for my son to use whilst we were fishing on the side of the fast flowing river. Frank was trying to land his first catch. This was the first time Frank had ever been fishing. The spot Robbie picked was busy with locals and was just up river from the famous ridge pool where Jack Charlton used to fish.
We fished using Frank’s new rod and reel with a float on live bait using a single worm. Within 60 seconds of the first cast, we had a bite! Incredible! It was Frank’s first fish, a 3lb wild Atlantic salmon. An amazing experience he will never forget.
I cannot recommend the Angling Centre enough to anyone interested in visiting Ireland for a fishing trip on the Moy River. The hospitality and advice from Robbie was excellent.