Vincent Appleby reports from Waterville…

22/ 9/2022: The Hampshire Hogs and Waterville Boats and at [email protected] weren’t amused with my report yesterday and for good reason. I failed miserably in my duties, you could say it’s a job for Specksavers.  So lets put the record straight . I failed to report that Hampshire Hog Mr. Trevor Dewberry, caught 4 Sea Trout caught on the fly. Plus I got my facts wrong on Hampshire Hog Mr. Nigel Henshaw and fellow Hampshire Hog Mr. Peter Ruffle on their Grilse; they were both caught on the troll. So all I can say is my apologies to the Hampshire Hogs and their Gillie’s of Waterville Boats and at [email protected]

Now back to the present and today’s Manipulations. We start on Lough Currane and the Hampshire Hogs and in their words – just couple of trout sadly! Expected a good day after the rain last night but it wasn’t to be. One more day tomorrow. Staying with the Hampshire Hogs, you could say they hit rock bottom. I believe Hampshire Hog Mr. Peter Ruffle was backing his Gillie to hit the Saint Ledger.

Now from the Saint Ledger to the River Inny where there was a nice flood coming down river and there were 5 caught and released plus there was one Cork angler manipulating but no reports as of yet. Wind North and variable and a lot of bright sunshine.

Hampshire Hogs

23/9/2022 The Hampshire Hogs finished their fishing trip as they started. So they have the last words on their fishing trip to the Waterville Fishery so take it away Hampshire Hogs,

Hi Vincent, Trevor here, caught a grilse and four trout for me today, four trout for Pete all on the troll, today’s best Trout was 2 ½ lbs. Not a catch sadly, but Nigel hooked a double figure salmon on the troll, but he came off after a few minutes. 10 salmon for the week plus a good few trout so another great week in Waterville. See you all next year.

Just for the record the Hampshire Hogs were fishing out of Waterville Boats and at [email protected] and their Hosts were  plus drinks were flowing as Peter Ruffle wins the Hampshire Hogs fishing cup in the Lobster Bar and at  Wind N light and variable at times with reasonable cloud cover, amount of rainfall yesterday was 13.1 mm.


24/9/2022 There were a few nice Sea Trout caught on the drift this day, plus there were a few Goats out there also as you can see by the photo, need I say more. Wind NNE light and sunny all day.

25/9/2022 Nice bit of action on Lough Currane so straight to the action, there was one Salmon caught on the fly, now we head for the Sea Trout Drifters, there was a few nice Sea trout caught and one boat caught 11 Sea Trout, their biggest was 1 ½ lbs and just for the record there was a good few Brown Trout caught. Wind NW fresh with good cloud cover followed by light showers.

26/9/2022 All the Salmon headlines go to 92 years young Mr. John Petch of Kinsale and for good reason, while fishing with his Gillie out of [email protected] caught a fine 5 lbs. Salmon on the troll and all I can say is congratulations, your Salmon is my fish of the Month on the Salmon and Sea Trout Blog. Wind NNW fresh followed by light showers and strong gusts of 41 mph.

27/9/2022 Just two boats out and all quiet on all fronts. Wind NW blowing and gusts up to 41 mph followed heavy rain for most of the day. Now we head for the big flood on the River Inny as the C&R anglers waited for the river to drop and as of yet I have no report.

28/9/2022 I start with an apology to Currane anglers Mr. Brian O’Rourke and Mr J. McCormick and their Gillie and for good reason, I failed to check my messages last weekend so I will put the record straight, In their own words so take it away Brian,

Hi there!! We – being Wicklow men Brian O’Rourke and Mr J. McCormick – arrived Friday evening and fished for an hour on Lough Currane, to no avail – medium ENE wind, poor conditions – made up for it mind, with a couple burgers in The Lobster Bar!! On Saturday morning, we were taken out onto Lough Currane by The Shy Man for the day, to no avail except for a few brownies, conditions ENE medium wind, good light!

On Sunday, we went to a small private lake in the upper Currane system, with the Shy Man again as our ghillie, caught a small salmon and 3 sea trout around 2LBs each and a multitude of small-ish brownies, conditions W and WNW light to medium, good light!

This morning we went back to that lake unaccompanied and had a few good rises and small brownies; conditions on that lake NNW winds strong to mild, but very bright!! We had fished out of Lakelands guesthouse, so thanx to Anne Donnelly of and The Shy Man for a great weekend!! That’s it Vincent!! I might be back down again at the end of next week with different company!! Brian.

Now back to the present there were a few Sea Trout caught on the drift. One boat fishing out of Waterville Boats with their gillie at [email protected] caught 3 trout of which the best was 2 lbs. No report on the C&R River Inny my Noble C&R anglers were keeping quiet maybe with delight or embarrassment, I will leave that to your imagination. Wind NNW light to fresh and overcast followed by the odd shower in the morning.

Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]


A new online survey has been developed by IFI for the Currane catchment to gather anglers’ knowledge – the survey method called FLEKSI was developed by IFI to help give an insight into the status of the fishery. Currane Anglers are needed for Citizen Science survey to examine fish stocks

Go fishing…

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see:

Waterville lakes and river system

Fishing with Dom

Address Spunkane Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2051515 Website:

Fly Fishing on Lough Currane

Address Termons Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353(0) 87 922 8659 Phone: +353(0) 66 9474146 Website:

Lakelands Farm

Address Lake Road Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 4160200 Website:

Neil O’Shea

Address Caherbarna Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 9942792 Phone: +353 66 9474527 Website:

Old Daly’s Supermarket & Filling Station

Address Murreigh Waterville V23 X459 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353669474842 Website:

Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing

Address Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West Waterville Kerry V23 XD63 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2074882 Website:

Waterville Boats

Address Spunkane Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 (0)87 2202355 Phone: +353 (0)66 9474800