David Norman of Angling Adventures West Cork tells us that this hot spelll has heated things up nicely…
After a cold start to the year, the recent warm weather seems to have kicked things off.
Lure fishing for Bass from the Kayaks has been good in the calmer spells along with fine Pollack on Fly & Lure from the kayaks also .
Overall, conditions are looking good for the busy summer holiday season here in beautiful West Cork.
Contact me now to book your guided trip.
Go fishing…
2023 Bookings are steadily building in my calendar but I still have prime tides available for lure & fly fishing so drop me an email if you’re interested in doing some 1-2-1 guided fishing with me – [email protected]
Click the listing below for more information…
Address Clonakilty Cork Ireland
Mobile Phone: +353858492691
Email: [email protected]
Website: anglingadventureswestcork.ie