Home Other news Bright sun makes tough going for North Kildare anglers

Bright sun makes tough going for North Kildare anglers


Like many of us, the North Kildare Trout & Salmon Association expected the forecasted dull/wet/breezy conditions to prevail for their angling competition on the Liffey last Sunday, and, like most of us… they were somewhat surprised by the bright, sunny, windless day that materialised. So, as some of us fired up the BBQs for the first time this year, 12 members of the NKTSAA headed to the riverbank to fish their Catch/Photo/Release, Mulvey/Delaney Competition.

This one was well over the 25cm mark

The bright conditions made the going tricky, and rising trout were few and far between, and those that were rising tended to be on the smaller side. Anglers found they had to switch up tactics to get their share of fish, but small black dries seemed to outperform most other flies. In the end, seven anglers had the quota of 4 fish (two over 23cm and two over 25cm), with a few over the 30cm mark and one great trout measuring 40cm.

A fine 40cm trout caught by Laurence Doherty

The top four anglers were:

1st) Laurence Doherty
2nd) James Johnson
3rd) Gary Revile
4th) Seamus O’ Neill

The prize giving

See the full report on the NKTSAA Facebook page.

River Liffey & Tributaries