Home Tulsk Coarse Angling Centre

    Tulsk Coarse Angling Centre

    map of Tulsk lakes

    Tulsk village lies about 25 kms to the north of Roscommon town in Co Roscommon and approx 55 kms from Knock Airport to the west. The lakes on the Tulsk system  are renowned for their abundance of large Rudd to specimen size. There are good sized hybrids present and some Roach. There are large pike to double figures.


    There are nearly twenty lakes in the system. Lakes listed from No’s 1 to 12 are one group of Lakes and Lough Saggart and Lough Aduff as another group No’s 15 and 16. Most of these lakes are interlinked within a few hundred meters of each other. For the purposes of describing them we divide them into these two groups.

    Inland Fisheries Ireland provide some fishing stands at Lough Patrick, Lough Conny and Lough Aduff.

    map of Tulsk lakesThe Fisheries

    No 1. Lough Anammer – 6 acres..
    No 2. Killynagh Lake – 11 acres
    No 3. Lough Patrick – 11 acres
    No 4. Lough Leim – 1.5 acres
    No 5. Lough Annee – 8 acres
    No 6. Lough na Fulla – 5 acres
    No 7. Lough Rogers – 15.5 acres
    No 8. Lough Connymore Lower – 2.5 acres
    No 9. Lough Connymore Upper – 2.2 acres..
    No 10. Lough Connybeg – 2.5 acres
    No 11. Lough Anneg – 2.5 acres
    No 12. Lough Gal – 20.75 acres
    No 13. Lough Acreann – 4.75 acres
    No 14 Lough Cuadagh – 2.75 acres
    No 15. Lough Aduff – 10 acres
    No 16. Lough Saggart 2.75 acres
    No 17. Ardakillen Lake – 39 acres
    No. 18 Lough Andoughil – 8 acres
    No. 19 Shad Lough – 30 acres

    The Lakes System No’s 1 – 12

    Lakes numbers 1 to 12 above are all interlinked and regarded as superb Rudd fisheries. There is also good Pike angling to be had with large double figure fish present. Boat or shore fishing is possible on all lakes. They are marl white, shallow lakes up to about 10 feet deep and very rich in flora and fauna. They are predominantly rudd fisheries and have a good stock of rudd/bream hybrids. While other coarse fish exist they are not particularly important. Roach which were not known to occur in the system are now present.

    Facilities and Access: These lakes are very accessible from adjacent minor roads off the main Tulsk, Strokestown and Elphin Roads. At Lough Patrick fishing is  possible from the island and here is also a double fishing stand adjacent to the island. At Coney Lake there is a double fishing stand.

    To get there: From Roscommon to the south of Tulsk take the N61 and the lakes are located within 5 kms of Tulsk village. From Boyle to the north take the N61 and travel south to Tulsk.

    Lough Saggart and Lough Aduff No’s 15 and 16

    These two lakes are linked within about 400 metres of each other and stand alone from the lakes 1-12 described above in terms of physical characteristics. They hold good stocks of  Rudd and Hybrids. These lakes are quite deep.

    Facilities and Access: Both lakes are adjacent to a minor road linking the Strokestown – Elphin Roads. There is a double stand on Lough Saggart and treble stand on Lough Aduff.  You will get local directions on request.

    To get there: Same area as above

    Lough Forbes
