Christy “Black Jack” Cox struck gold with a beautiful 4¼ brownie at Lough Derravaragh
Joe Keena, secretary of Derravaragh Anglers Association reports on the fishing for April 2013
Lough Derravaragh
Lough Derravaragh is a fairly sizeable piece of water located...
Derravaragh competition results outshine previous years and stream enhancement project completed
Joe Keena, PRO for ITFFA tells us:
"The Stonehall and Knockeyne brown trout competitions were fished by Lough Derravaragh Anglers on 7th October and as...
Derravaragh worth a cast before closing day on October 12
Lough Derravaragh Angling association held the Gibson Daly brown trout competition on the 30th September 2012 and for the first time in recent years...
Great trout wins the Rex Beaumont Cup on Lough Ennell.
Midland Lakes and River Inny by Dermot Broughan
The weather over the past week has been very good with dry spells and warm in...
Dermot Broughan reports on the Midlands Lakes and River Inny
Midland Lakes and River Inny Report by Dermot Broughan
We are now into the 7th week of very wet weather. All the fresh water slowed...
Midland Lakes and River Inny report
Midland Lakes and River Inny report by Dermot Broughan
For the sixth week in a row it has been a very difficult week for angling. Very...
Midland trout report with some trout fishing reported on Lough Owel
Midland Lakes by Dermot Broughan
It was a very difficulty week for angling. Very heavy rain on Wednesday and Thursday deterred most anglers apart from...
Midland trout lough and River Inny report
Midland Lakes in the Mullingar area report by Dermot Broughan
The cool weather from last week continued into Monday and mid week. Very heavy...
Anglers scarce during the day around Mullingar as fish feed in evenings
Lough Ennell:
Over the past week Ennell was at its best…..warm weather, great hatches of May fly and some remarkable trout fishing to the Spent...
Trout had a feeding frenzie on the Shannon especially on the spent
Angling report from Shannon River Basin
Last week was the high point of the May Fly fishing on most of the Shannon trout lakes and...