Authors Bill Brazier, Joseph M.Caffrey, Tom F. Cross and Deborah V.Chapman have brought out A History of common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) in Ireland.
Below are passages from the 28 page Irish Fisheries Investigations:
Common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) (hereafter: carp) are one of the most widespread freshwater fish in the world, currently present on every continent, with the exception of Antarctica (Naylor et al., 2000; Bakos, 2001).
It is clear that carp are an introduced species in Irish freshwaters, and this paper presents comprehensive details and new findings on the history of the fish in Ireland from the earliest known introductions to the present day.
A review of the limited published material relating to carp in Ireland was conducted. In addition, a considerable amount of unpublished Inland Fisheries Trust (IFT), Central Fisheries Board (CFB) and Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) material and data was extensively examined. Informal and formal material published in numerous angling magazines from both the UK and Ireland was also reviewed. Former and current IFT/CFB/IFI employees who had gained experience or knowledge in working with carp previously were consulted, as were any relevant former and current angling club representatives, fishery owners and general stakeholders (e.g. landowners, fishery managers, independent anglers).
The first introductions of carp to England occurred in the late 14th or early 15th century, with their culture becoming well established across the country by the 1530s (Currie, 1991; Clifford, 1992; Balon, 1995). There are no definitive Irish records of carp until sometime after this period, although there is a vague reference and suggestion that carp were present and bred for food in Ireland possibly as far back as the 14th century (Lyons, 1942). Lyons (1942) provides an account of a possible Franciscan (monastic) carp breeding pond at Croan Lower, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, which places a date of introduction sometime between the late 1300s and before 1540. Scharff (1916) theorised that carp were “probably introduced to Ireland many centuries ago by monks from the Continent”.
Although carp is a non-native species in Ireland, it has become established in many waters, with numerous self-sustaining populations present (Macklin and Brazier, 2011, unpublished data). Carp in Ireland have little ecological influence outside the limited number of landlocked waters in which they reside. Nevertheless, despite the increasing interest in carp as a sport fish in Ireland, and the significant local socioeconomic benefits such fisheries are capable of producing (Arlinghaus and Mehner, 2003; Vilizzi et al., 2011 ), careful scientifically-based management is still required regarding future stockings of carp in Irish waters. This is necessary in order to protect and preserve sensitive freshwater environments and other recreationally and economically important fish species such as tench, bream, and rudd. The correct choice of suitable waters based on ecological and physio-chemical assessments is also vital in encouraging the improved growth of carp for angling purposes. To this end, research on Irish carp biology, ecology, distribution and genetics is currently being undertaken at University College Cork (UCC) to improve the overall knowledge of the species in Irish waters, to verify the information gleaned from historical investigations and to inform carp management in Irish waters.
Read the article ‘here’