East Belfast CAC had a great weekend at Oakland Lake Fishery in New Ross. Jeff Walker states ” There was 20 anglers, 4 days, 1845 kilos, average of about 90 kilo a man, or 200lb in old money. The lake was in great form, especially considering we fished the same 20 pegs in a straight line for all 4 days, and as always we were well looked after”
1st M Cormican 199 kg
2nd T Burke 155 kg
3rd J Mc kinley 151 kg
4 th J Walker 146 kg
5th P Hutchman 129 kg
6 th B McCaul 113 kg

Go fishing…
Adrian Browne
Oaklands Lake,
New Ross, Co. Wexford.
Telephone: +353 (0)51 445348
Mobile: +353 (0)87 6988979
Web: Oakland Lake Fishery