East Belfast CAC had a great weekend at Oakland Lake Fishery in New Ross. Jeff Walker states ”  There was 20 anglers, 4 days, 1845 kilos, average of about 90 kilo a man, or 200lb in old money. The lake was in great form, especially considering we fished the same 20 pegs in a straight line for all 4 days, and as always we were well looked after”

1st M Cormican 199 kg
2nd T Burke 155 kg
3rd J Mc kinley 151 kg
4 th J Walker 146 kg
5th P Hutchman 129 kg
6 th B McCaul 113 kg

Winner Michael Cormican
Winner Michael Cormican
Tony Burke who came in 2nd place
Tony Burke who came in 2nd place
John McKinley in 3rd place
John McKinley in 3rd place
P McCaul & 4th place winner Jeff Walker
P McCaul & 4th place winner Jeff Walker


Paul Hutchman 4th winner
Paul Hutchman 5th winner


Go fishing…

Adrian Browne
Oaklands Lake,
New Ross, Co. Wexford.

Telephone: +353 (0)51 445348
Mobile: +353 (0)87 6988979

Web: Oakland Lake Fishery