Declan Gibbons reports that angling on Corrib during the week gone by saw an improvement in trout angling with plenty of mayfly and sedges hatching. On Sunday, Oughterard Anglers hosted their youth competition, the Kevin McQuinn Cup which saw Shane Joyce catch 2 trout to take first prize with a weight of 1.4kg. Also in Oughterard Kevin Molloy of Baurisheen Guiding & Boat Hire (087-9604170) reported an improvement in fishing. On Friday last visiting French angler Mr. Lester landed 3 trout for a half day’s trolling. Kevin himself enjoyed good wet fly fishing on Saturday landing 3 trout. Declan McLoughlin and friend enjoyed excellent wet fly fishing, boating 4 trout with the best hitting the scales at 4lbs.
Staying in the same area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reported excellent angling with an excellent second hatch of mayfly to match. On Saturday and Sunday Basil himself and Northern Ireland angler Colin Wright from Belfast had great sport, catching 24 trout on wet and dry mayflies, with the best fish being 3lbs 9oz. Michael Murphy, Limerick also had good fishing on Saturday landing 3 trout with the best fish being 2lbs. On Sunday Shannon angler Glen O’Connell had a similar day landing 3 trout with the best fish being 1.75lbs.
In the Cornamona area Tom Doc Sullivan (087-6113933) guided visiting Australian angler James Brookes from Melbourne, with James landing 2 trout on dry mayflies, best fish 1.5lbs. Tom also reported a moderate hatch of mayfly in the area. In the Greenfields area Clare father and Son Frank Guilfoyle and Paddy enjoyed excellent fishing on Thursday, boating 9 trout (5 released). Carl Clinton from Meath had an enjoyable weekend dapping grasshoppers, landing 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday with the best fish nudging 3lbs. Also in the Greenfields area Tuam angler Sean Naughton had 1 trout on Sunday for 1.5lbs on wet fly.
Larry McCarthy of Corrib View Lodge (087-9135222, reported a slightly quieter week due to unsettled weather, however guiding Belfast duo Stephen Lusty and Pip Arthur on Monday on Lough Carra they had good sport, landing 6 trout on dry olives – best fish 2lbs. Larry himself had 2 trout on Wednesday on Corrib on dry sedges, both fish in the 1.5-2lbs bracket. Larry is looking forward to settled weather for sedge fishing and reed smut in the coming weeks ahead.
Martin Kinneavy was also in touch to advise that the TAFI Connacht Cup Youths competition which was due to held on Saturday last had to be postponed due to inclement weather, and is rescheduled for Saturday, August 8th, fished from the Carrick shore. Clubs must be affiliated to TAFI, and entry details are available from Eugene Nolan on 085 2423062.