Kevin O’Boyle reports…
Moy Catchment Angling Report Week ending 28/03/’21
River Moy
Wintry conditions with heavy rain and sleet and lower than normal temperatures prevented even the bravest of anglers to venture out. The continuing 5km travel restrictions also impacted on angling effort.
One salmon was reported on the Moy Fishery this week which was caught in the Fresh Water Beat, while another fish was hooked and lost.
East Mayo Anglers reported their first salmon of the season; the first fishery outside of Ballina waters to report a fish. Mixi Clarke from Bohola caught a 9.5 lbs. salmon at the Gub.
This brings the total to 8 salmon so far this year.
Lough Conn
Due to weather conditions no fish were reported from the Lakes this week. However, Duck fly hatches were reported on Cullin and south Conn.