Home Salmon fishing reports Double figure salmon to over 17lb reported from Lough Currane

Double figure salmon to over 17lb reported from Lough Currane


Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

28/4/2022 All the Salmon headlines come from the North shore at Vincent’s Harbour and for a good reason. Currane local angler Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and his good friend Currane local angler Mr. Enna Buis caught a fine Salmon on the troll. Now for the rest of Currane anglers they were all quiet. Wind SW and veered WSW with reasonable cloud cover at times.

29/4/2022 The Currane anglers were all quiet this day after yesterday’s fine catch and that sums up today’s manipulations. Wind SW light and variable and followed by reasonable cloud cover.

30/4/2022 Again the Currane anglers were as quiet as the wild Atlantic Salmon this calm day on Lough Currane. Wind SSW light and variable followed by good cloud cover.

1/5/2022 Six boats out but no reports of any rod benders this Bank holiday weekend. Wind WNW light and overcast all day followed by misty rain at times.

2/5/2022 The Waterville fishery was all quiet on the SW front, just for the record there was one fly angler manipulating his skills on the World-famous Butler Pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie and as of yet I believe his fly line stayed slack? Wind all over the place, you could say it did the Ring of Kerry.

3/5/2022 All the Currane fantastic action came from two US anglers, Mr. Robert Ivy and fellow US angler Mr. Matthew Grayson, fishing out www.watervillegolflinks.ie.  So let’s head up stream to Lough Currane with Robert and Matthew and their Gillie for their day’s cracking action, they were trolling the waters of Currane this morning. Come 10.30 there was one almighty crack of a reel singing the Gillie’s tune. That’s Him! I can tell you Matthew had one almighty battle with his Wild Atlantic Salmon but it wasn’t long before Mathew took control. It wasn’t long either before the gillie had the chance to net this fine 17 ½ lbs. Salmon and the rest is history. Well, the action didn’t stop their because come 12.30 it was Robert’s turn to hear that same tune. That’s him! And Robert had a good battle with his C&R 9 lbs. Wild Atlantic Salmon. One can say a good day was had by all and just for the record Mathew’s 17 ½ lbs. Salmon is Spring Salmon of the year so far so congratulations to Matthew and Robert and their Gillie. Wind NNW light with good cloud cover.

4/5/2022 All quiet on all fronts this day on the Waterville Fishery after yesterday’s first-class manipulations. Wind NNW and variable and bright sunshine all day.

5/5/2022 Again Lough Currane precured some fine action in all departments. We start in the fly department. Renowned Currane angler Mr. Tommy Duggan of Kilkenny caught a fine Salmon on the fly while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of www.fishingwithdom.com plus they finished their day off with a fine C&R 10 lbs. Salmon on the troll, we stay in the trolling department, Currane C&R Angler Mr. Gerry O’Sullivan of Cork caught a fine Salmon on the troll and that was their ration for the day. Just for the record there were five boats out. Wind SW light and overcast all day.

Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]
Web: www.salmonandseatrout.com

Go fishing…

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see:

Waterville lakes and river system