The Clare Dragoon has been busy of late, with skipper Luke Aston providing regular updates on the fishing via his Facebook page.
Some of the recent fine days saw them get out to the reefs, where plentiful mackerel saw the anglers enjoy very good fishing for mixed whitefish. They also targeted spurs one day, with over 80 to the boat including many to 17lbs. Some good pollack were also taking the baits.
A couple of windy days with unfavourable northerlies saw them take to the shelter of the Shannon estuary. Fishing at anchor produced plenty of thornback ray, bull huss and some nice tope.
Fishing for pollack, they had a shark follow right to the boat, so out with the shark traces, and shortly thereafter a porbeagle of approx. 1.6 metres was brought to thje boat. A further shark over 2 metres was also caught after a fine scrap.
Go fishing…
Clare Dragoon
Clare Dragoon is a LOCHIN 366 powered by 650HP engine, skippered by Luke Aston and operating out of Carrigaholt Co. Clare…
I have some offers up on my web site and if anybody is interested in putting a trip together please do get in touch. Also I Twitter from the boat on @fishandstay and try to update my face book page fairly often!To experience some of the best deep sea fishing available in Ireland contact Luke.
Telephone: +353 65 9058209 or +353 87 6367544
Email: [email protected] Web: