Shane Nugent reports on a week of smoothhound fishing at a Wexford venue…
Myself and my stepson, Eoin Doyle, along with his friend Ciaran McCabe (both 13) spent a week in Wexford for a fishing trip in search of some nice smoothhounds. We were full of hope after a couple of friends of mine put me on a mark that holds decent fish. On arriving at the house in Wexford we decided we would chill for the first day and start fishing for Hounds the following day, after getting a bit of well deserved rest to charge the batteries for the days ahead.
We loaded the car up the next day and hit the road. About 40km from where we were staying we got to the location and set up the rods ,Tronixpro Aphex TT and Tronixpro Blaze CXIII with 2 pulley pennel rigs baited with fresh peeler crab and it didn’t take long until we hit the hounds!
One rod would go and the other would go not long after it. Straight away I knew this was the spot we needed to focus on to get the Hounds we were after. Throughout the week I watched the winds, the times, the tides and it fell into place that to be on the fish in that spot all 3 factors had to play in sync for the chances of catching some fish.
Believe it or not some days when all 3 factors were against each other we didn’t get into as much fish as anticipated, but we kept going regardless, hunting for double figure Hounds.
I didn’t get mine in the end but it didn’t stop me from trying until the holiday was over. Eoin Doyle did manage to get himself a nice 10.6lb Smoothhound, so with that landed I was happy.
Between the 3 of us we landed numerous fish and we all got a couple of PB hounds each. All in all it was a super few days on the fish and look forward to give it a bash again.