34th Irish Winter Shore Festival – Report
This report from the organisers of the Irish Winter Shore Festival:
The 2023 Irish Winter Shore Angling Festival took place on east Wexford beaches from...
Frantic fishing in the south east for Borough SAC
Stan Ryan of Borough SAC sent us in this report from the club's recent competition off the east and south east coasts fishing with...
Micheal Kearney Open 2022 hosted by South Shore SAC
This report on the Mick Kearney Open from the South Shore SAC:
79 senior's and 6 juniors traveled to the glorious strands on the Wexford...
33rd Irish Winter Shore Angling Festival Results
The 33rd Irish Winter Shore Angling Festival, sponsored by Tronixpro & Inland Fisheries Ireland, returned to County Wexford beaches last week. The event got...
Shark fishing off the south east producing plenty of thrills
Kit Dunne reports on a sharking trip out over the Celtic Deeps...
13 September: Congratulations to Shane Devine on his fine Specimen Blue Shark, 107lb...
Good shark fishing continues for Wicklow Boat Charters
Wicklow Boat Charters skipper Kit Dunne tells us the shark fishing continues to go well off the south east coast...
15 August: Shark season off...
Another Dog Day Afternoon for South Shore anglers
South Shore SAC held their second leg of the master angler league on Sunday. Paul Mason reports…
Inclement weather was forecast during the week coming...
A new record for Rosslare Small Boats Festival – 34 species
The Welsh boat ‘Seawitch’ has won the 34th Rosslare Small Boats festival for the first time. The boat landed an astonishing 34 marine species...
Excellent fishing at for Meanpia anglers in Wexford
Menapia Sea Anglers report from the Wexford coast…
Carley and Roche take top spot in senior and Juniors on Dodds Rock for Menapia’s latest match.
Known as...
Good fishing at Ballyhack for Menapia anglers
Menapia Sea Anglers report on their latest competition fished at the weekend…
The wheels on the bus just kept on turning and Double Decky hits the...