Padraig Carroll in our Corlesmore office reports on a recent pike catch…

Peter had been fishing for pike from early morning with no results until the afternoon.  Peter had 2 rods set on bite alarms with frozen smelt deadbait fished hard on the lake bed all morning so in the afternoon he decided to change the baits to freshen things up. He changed the bait on the first rod to a frozen roach deadbait and set it back in the water. While rebaiting his second rod, all of a sudden the loud scream of a bite alarm was heard, and Peter found himself engulfed in a screaming battle with a powerful pike at close range. The pike fought long and hard but was no match for Peter and he landed the fabulous double figured pike .

The fish was safely returned to the water to fight another day.

Peter Sherry landed this double figure pike on a roach dead bait on a lake in Co Monaghan