David Edwards, skipper of charter boat Tigger, reprots that the easterly wind has kept Tigger on her mooring at Ring for most of the last week…

A break on Wednesday allowed us to get out to some of the reef marks where we found plenty of pollack and cod to 7lb along with a large variety of smaller species. Most of the cod were caught between 120-150ft of water and almost all were taking unbaited red and yellow feathers with a couple on plain white.

cod and pollack
Happy anglers onboard Tiggers with part of their catch of cod and pollack for the table

Those we kept were full of small sandeel and weighed an average of 4-5lb which is perfect for the table and everyone went home with at least a couple of meals worth.

Surprisingly we didn’t see a single mackerel this week and only the odd one has shown on earlier trips, hopefully the forecast sun and big tides will see them starting to arrive in the next few days.

David Edwards
Clonakilty Coastal and Deep Sea Charters

Go fishing…

Tigger is a purpose built Procharter 31 angling boat, powered by a 330HP diesel engine and equipped with all necessary safety equipment. Reef and ground drift fishing is generally the most productive method with the potential to catch in excess of 20 species if you adapt your lures and baits accordingly. From mid June through to October it’s usually possible to target the blue shark fishing that is predominatly between 10-15 miles off the estuary.  All sharks are released and recent seasons have seen larger species such as mako and threshers being sighted more frequently, so who knows what will come in 2014…
Web: www.irelandseaangling.com