Stefan Martin from Killybegs Mariners SAC reports (in a style James Joyce would be proud of) on the fishing around Donegal Bay …
11 March: Great fishing at the Mariners league outing last night as 13 anglers caught and released flounders and dabs and coleys and whiting.

Big scores as plenty of coley were over the minimum size of 23cm and the winning score on the night was a great fishing of whiting including treble hauls for John Cunningham who also won the longest fish cash pool with a 41cm whiting. Well done to all.
12 March: A cloudless day on Donegal Bay and the alcove was stuffed with a big shoal of sea trout chasing at sandeels.

Hansen stripper lures on the light spinning rods sent them wild coming in like mackerel in high summer a fish a cast for 3 casts in a row twice and a total of 25 trout caught and released back during the session, a great exciting way to fish and find the fish striking the wobbling lure as it works it’s way through the sandeel shoals on Donegal Bay.

13 March: A lovely morning this morning with the wind whipping up as the day went on on a sheltered cove behind the hill a shallow beach on Donegal Bay was alive with fish some lovely double hauls of flounder to a whopping 41cm in length patrolling the shallows in the balmy spring air and some lovely conditioned sea trout to 42cm splashing around to escape the hooks before release on another busy few hours on the shore
Stefan Martin
Killybegs mariners SAC